JAKARTA - Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin reminded that the neutrality of the organizers of the 2024 General Election should not be just a slogan, but must really be done because the public will oversee its implementation.

"Our officers, of course, keep trying to maintain neutrality, meaning that there should be no orders, there is pressure, right," said Ma'ruf when asked for a response during a working visit in Bratislava, Slovakia, Saturday local time as reported by Antara.

Ma'ruf emphasized the message of neutrality to the organizers of the 2024 General Election, including the Overseas Election Committee (PPLN).

Ma'ruf, who visited the Indonesian Embassy in Bratislava, warned all Indonesian Embassys in the world to hold elections properly and maintain a neutrality attitude.

"This is so that the 2024 election runs honestly and fairly clean and there is no pressure from anywhere so that it runs as we expected, so that our democratic quality will be better," said Ma'ruf.

"(Netrality) is not a slogan, it really is run well," Vice President Ma'ruf added.

The Indonesian Ambassador to Slovakia, Pribadi Setiono, said that his party already has PPLN in the Indonesian Embassy and recorded a permanent voter list (DPT) of 330 people.

"We are different from Jakarta, we will start the election on February 10, 2024 in accordance with applicable regulations, starting at 10:00 to 18.00. This is earlier because so that it arrives in Jakarta on February 14, 2023, it has been completed," said Pribadi.

Pribadi mengungkapkan komitmennya agar Pemilu di Brastilava berjalan sesuai asas langsung, umum, bebas, rahas, rahas, terhonya, dan adil.

"(The election) we God willing, will run honestly and fairly according to what the Vice President said. If the composition of the voters is more, we are Indonesian migrant workers who work in these Slovak factories," he said.

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