The food crisis is expected to be faced by the world from 2040 to 2050. Even the World Food Agency predicts that there will be an increase in food needs by 60 percent in that year compared to now.

Chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti asked for this concern to be the concern of the central government and the regional government, including in Ngawi Regency, as the largest rice producer in Indonesia. Not only looking for solutions for self-sufficiency, but also taking opportunities. Because Indonesia has great potential to become a world food barn.

"Moreover, Indonesia will also experience an explosion in the number of people of productive age, reaching 70 percent of the total population in Indonesia. This means that Ngawi Regency is one of the guardians of Indonesia's food sovereignty. So, it should be, the orientation of village development in Ngawi Regency is integrated to ensure that this Regency is the largest rice producer center in East Java and Indonesia," said LaNyalla, Friday, November 24.

LaNyalla assessed that the challenge to maximize this potential must still be fought for. Due to conditions in Indonesia from data from the Ministry of ATR/BPN, every year the conversion of rice fields to non-plants that occur in Indonesia reaches almost 100 thousand hectares.

"This means that in 10 years, it has reached one million hectares. This must of course be prevented and a solution is found," said LaNyalla.

Indonesia also has problems with the area of rice fields owned by farmers in Indonesia. On average, about 80 percent of farmers in Indonesia own less than one hectare of land.

"This certainly makes it difficult for us to pursue self-sufficiency. When compared to farmers in Thailand who on average own two hectares of land. Not to mention if we look at what other countries have done, which have implemented Agricultural Biotechnic in their agriculture or plantations," said LaNyalla.

Ngawi Regent Ony Anwar Harsono said that his area was no longer left behind. Ony also explained that his party had used digital to manage villages.

"We also boost transparency by using applications, so Alhamdulillah our village heads have nothing to do with the law. Each village has also been connected, because each village has its own forum on the website. So there is no turmoil in the village because it was detected early. With Pak Nyalla's presence, we ask for input for us, the Ngawi district government, hopefully, we will be even better," said the Regent.

In the event, Political Economist Ichsanuddin Noorsy explained, there are several things that must be prepared by the Village to protect its village so that it remains sovereign in various aspects.

"Make a body that becomes a protective pillar, a support, so that when a foreign budget enters the village, there are guards from the attack. So it is this pillar that will protect against foreign investors whose intention is to invade the village. So the village remains independent and strong, "said Noorsy.

Meanwhile, UI Political Lecturer Mulyadi said that the village community must also be politically literate. He agreed with what the Chairman of the DPD RI said that food sovereignty must be maintained and all started from the village. Mulyadi assessed that in fact the village must get full autonomy so that food sovereignty is maintained.

"So if you want a term of office of 10 years to 100 years, the village must be able to determine itself. Because that is where the front line is to protect our society from prosperity and prosperity," he said.

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