JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, is targeting 10 Regional Police Offices to be able to implement the electronic ticketing service (ETLE) in the next 100 days.

In its application, the electronic ticketing will be assisted by the Traffic Corps (Korlantas), especially regarding the mechanism.

"At the Polda level, within 100 days I have asked Kakorlantas officer to immediately develop an electronic ticketing problem known as ETLE. I hope that within 100 days there will be at least 10 Polda who can provide ticket services related to the ETLE issue", said Listyo at the National Police Headquarters, Tuesday, February 16.

In addition to the application of an electronic ticketing system, Listyo also instructed all levels of the Police to improve services. For example, by applying the online registration of Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK), Driver's License (SIM), and Statement of Police Report (SKCK).

"Today there are 12 Police Resort that has implemented this. Of course, this is our commitment that it is not only up to 12 Police Resort, but we continue to improve it".

"So that in the future Police Resort gradually, especially in urban areas which are supported by information technology and digital technology, will be able to provide services online", continued Listyo.

By using an online system, continued Listyo, this can anticipate abuse of authority by officers. Moreover, it can prevent illegal levies (extortion).

"This is also our commitment that in public services and in the implementation of law enforcement in the future we avoid any interactions, which of course, as previously stated, that interactions in certain matters have the potential for abuse of authority", he said.

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