Jambret In Action In Makassar, Mothers' Gold Necklace Pulled By Motorists
Perpetrators of mugging in Makassar (DOK. IST)

MAKASSAR - Residents must be more careful, especially when leaving the house wearing gold jewelry. A mother in Makassar, South Sulawesi was snatched up. The motorist stole his gold necklace.

"In front of the house where the incident happened, the 10 gram gold necklace was taken by the perpetrator," said child victim Acannes Wahid to VOI, Monday, February 15.

The mugging incident took place in front of the victim's own house which is located on Jalan Muhammad Yamin, Makassar District, Makassar City, Sunday, February 14.

Acannes told, at that time his mother was out of the house going to a neighbor's house. When closing the fence, suddenly came a snatcher.

Her gold necklace was pulled. The perpetrator was chased by his mother. The culprit managed to escape 10 grams of gold belonging to his mother.

"In front of the house, my mother was grabbed in the morning at around 6:43 WITA," he said confirming this case had been reported to the police.

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