PeKANBARU - Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Riau Province, Edy Afrizal reminded people living along the Kampar River to be aware if the manager of the Koto Panjang Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA), Kampar Regency opened one door of the reservoir.

"PLTA Koto Panjang must open a reservoir door because the water entering the hydropower plant is quite high along with the high rainfall in Hulu, the river comes from this new West Sumatra area," said Edya Afrizal in a statement in Pekanbaru, Saturday.

According to Edy, the high rainfall that hit the Kampar River is still in the area upstream of the Koto Panjang hydropower plant, namely the West Sumatra region, which is quite high, so that water enters the reservoir, it is feared that it will be abundant.

Therefore, he said, one of the doors of the Koto Panjang hydropower reservoir, Kampar Regency must be opened if the water entering the reservoir is already at the threshold of the reservoir's capacity which could risk the reservoir embankment breaking.

"We have received a report from BPBD Kampar regarding the current condition of the Koto Panjang hydropower reservoir," said Edy Afrizal. with the inflow reservoir being observed to have increased significantly," he said.

Due to this condition, people who are active in the Kampar river are asked to remain vigilant and careful, if at any time the reservoir door is opened.

For the opening of the spillway gate, a previous notification will be carried out and carried out at the evacuation of the 82.50 MDPL reservoir with an inflow of > 1,000 m3/s.

Therefore, the Riau BPBD has coordinated with the Kampar BPBD to be on standby in case of something unwanted as a result of the opening of the reservoir door such as flooding.

"Even the Kampar BPBD has also informed the current condition of the Koto Panjang hydropower plant to the sub-district head so that it can inform affected communities who are close to the Kampar river flow to be more vigilant," said Edy.

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