JAKARTA - Positive cases of COVID-19 in the City of Banda Aceh had increased by 21 cases three days ago, but this Sunday it dropped again or there were no additional cases.
"Yes, three days ago, Banda Aceh residents who tested positive for COVID-19 increased, but today it has dropped, zero cases today", said Head of the Banda Aceh Health Service Lukman in Banda Aceh, reported by Antara, Sunday, February 14.
Lukman detailed the additional 21 cases in the three days, namely on Thursday, February 11, 11 cases, Friday, February 12, nine cases, and Saturday, February 13, one case.
Cumulatively, said Lukman, to date positive cases of COVID-19 in Banda Aceh have reached 2,322 cases, of which 41 are under treatment, 81 have died and 2,200 people have been declared cured.
As cases have increased, the Mayor of Banda Aceh Aminullah Usman has asked the COVID-19 Alert Team to tighten guarding the implementation of health protocols in public places.
"In the last two weeks, only one or two cases have increased. But, for the past three days, we are quite worried, I will continue to monitor", said Aminullah Usman.
Aminullah assessed that the addition of cases in the last few days is unusual, therefore the COVID-19 Task Force team is expected to tighten the guarding of Mayor Regulation No. 51/2020 concerning Law Enforcement and Health Protocol Discipline.
"We ask that there be raids on the border for those who are not wearing masks, residents in crowded places are also asked to maintain their distance from each other", he said.
Aminullah also appealed to the residents of Banda Aceh to report any family or neighbors in his neighborhood who had just returned from out of town.
"If there are neighbors, family, relatives who have just arrived from out of town, inform the village apparatus immediately so that the team can identify the COVID-19 free procedure according to the provisions", said Aminullah.
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