JAKARTA - The main advisor to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno, Dino Patti Djalal, was reported to Metro Jaya Regional Police. Dino is accused of defaming Fredy Kusnadi.

Fredy, through his attorney, Tonin Tachta Singarimbun, said that his client was the party who bought the house legally owned by Dino Patti Djalal's parents. He reported Dino to the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) of the Metro Region Police on Saturday, February 13, 2021. The report was received by Number: LP/860/II/YAN2.5/SPKT/PMJ.

Tonin explained that the report was filed in connection with Dino Patti Djalal's tweet via his personal Twitter social media, @dinopattidjalal, who called Fredy Kusnadi the mastermind behind the syndicate of buying and selling his mother's house certificate.

According to Tonin, Dino Patti Djalal's accusations against Fredy Kusnadi of being the mastermind behind the syndicate of buying and selling house certificates belonging to his mother were baseless. In fact, his client had bought a house owned by Dino's parents by paying a down payment of IDR 500 million from a sale agreement for IDR 11 billion using credit payment methods or installments.

Furthermore, said Tonin, Fredy Kusnadi also redeemed the house certificate belonging to Dino's parents in the name of his cousin Yurmisnawita in a savings and loan cooperative. Then, based on the sale and purchase deed (AJB) through the Office of the Land Deed Maker (PPAT) in South Jakarta, Fredy also made an attempt to reverse the name which was later questioned by Dino.

"After that, what was wrong and fake? Is this the mafia? Fredy's client met with Mrs. Dino and her nephew/cousin several times. There was a receipt for a down payment of IDR 500 million and a total of IDR 950 million," he said when confirmed, Sunday, February 14.

In the report, Fredy Kusnadi's lawyer reported Dino Patti Djalal on the alleged crime of Article 27 Paragraph 3 Jo Article 45a Paragraph 3 and or Article 28 Paragraph 2 Jo Article 45a Paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 Year 2016 regarding Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE).

Tonin accused Dino of defaming and insulting Fredy Kusnadi by calling him the mastermind behind the mafia syndicate of land certificate fraud.

As previously reported, the Subdirectorate of Property, General Criminal Investigation Directorate of Metro Jaya Regional Police has arrested the perpetrator of the confiscation and fraud of the house certificate belonging to Dino Patti Djalal's mother. Several current perpetrators have also been arrested in similar cases.

The police arrested Arnold Siahaya, Dedi Rusmanto, and Ferry who were already at the Metro Jaya Police and Cipinang prison detention centers. The case was revealed in January 2021. The three of them were suspected of committing criminal acts of fraud and/or embezzlement and or forgery and/or placing false information on authentic deeds and/or money laundering.

The mafia syndicate's mode of land certificate fraud of Dino Patti Djalal's parents by using the old Residential ID Card.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Sofyan Djalil revealed that the mafia mode of land certificates belonging to the former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dino Patti Djalal, used old Residential Identity Card instead of electronic Residential Identity Card (KTP-el).

According to Sofyan, when the process of changing the name by the mafia perpetrators went smoothly because the certificate submitted to the National Land Affairs office was the original certificate.

"From the aspect of land law administration, it looks like everything is okay, all the requirements are there, there is an AJB (sale and purchase certificate), there is a check, it is checked by the National Land Affairs office. So that the National Land Affairs cannot know that the sale and purchase certificate is done by an unauthorized person," he said in a virtual press conference, Thursday, February 11th.

Not only that, said Sofyan, the mafia perpetrators faked ID cards which caused Dino Patti Djalal's parents to lose. The National Land Affairs office also cannot confirm whether the photo printed on the Residential Identity Card is the original owner's because the provided Residential Identity Card is the old one.

The house certificate belonging to Dino Patti's mother, which changed to someone else's name, is known to be at Executive Paradise, Antasari, South Jakarta.

"So the problem was that the criminal really faked the Residential ID Card. Change the photo, and this is not the electronic Residential Identity Card. So it is true that the old ID Card is not the electronic one. So that the National Land Affairs office can transfer it, because according to the requirements, BPN considered it as complete," he explained.

Sofyan also confirmed Dino's statement stating that his parents never came to the National Land Affairs office and that the theft of the land certificate was carried out by an individual who falsified his mother's Residential identity Card.

"If there is a statement by Mr. Dino that his parents have never been to National Land Affairs office, it is true. But the letters sent to the National Land Affairs office, the office cannot prove that it is not from the actual ID Card," he said.

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