JAKARTA - The National Anti LGBT (Granati LGBT) movement will hold a demonstration regarding the rejection of the Coldplay concert in Jakarta on Friday, November 10, noon.

The spokesman for the LGBT grenade, Novel Bamukmin, hopes that the DPD RI can bridge his party with concert organizers (Coldplay), including from the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, and the National Police Headquarters, so that there is a joint agreement regarding the LGBT indicated concert.

"We hope that there will be a memorandum of agreement that there will be no LGBT cargo at the concert. On Friday, November 10, we will hold an action to some of these agencies," Novel told VOI, Friday, November 10.

Coldplay's rejection of the concert relates to indications of an LGBT campaign at the Coldplay concert so that it contradicts Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution and the Republic of Indonesia as well as Bhineka Tunggal Ika and the existing constitution.

"We clarify that we have never banned any music concerts so far, as long as there was no campaign against Pancasila values, especially against Islamic teachings," he said.

Novel said that his party and a number of activists from among Muslims had held an audience with the Chairman of the DPD RI, AA La Nyalla Mahmud Mattalitti in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, last Thursday, November 9.

The arrival of Novel and a number of Islamic activists to report on the rejection of the UK music group concert plan Coldplay which will be held on November 15, 2023 at GBK Senayan, Central Jakarta.

They believe the music group will fill the show with a campaign to support LGBT, as has been done in several countries in their concerts.

The rejection of the Jakarta 2023 Coldplay concert began to be held by a number of elements and mass organizations since yesterday, November 9. It is planned that the action will be attended by thousands of people from various elements.

No exception from the Islamic Brotherhood Front (FPI) which will also take action to the streets. FPI brings the focus of demands for all forms of freedom and demands for rejection of the 2023 Jakarta Coldplay concert.

"Reject Coldplay. And all LGBT campaigns in Indonesia," said FPI DPP chairman Azis Yanuar when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, November 9, evening.

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