The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Aceh Regency noted that 18 villages spread across a number of sub-districts in the area were flooded with water levels ranging from 30 to 110 centimeters.

"This flood disaster occurred due to the overflowing of two streams of Krueng Woyla and Krueng Meureubo," said West Aceh BPBD Pusdalops Coordinator Mashuri, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, November 9.

The villages that are now recorded to have been flooded include Woyla Timur District consisting of Blang Dalam Village, Alue Kuyun, Blang Makmu, Alue Meganda, Blang Luah, Jeanting Pinto.

Floods also submerged a number of villages in Woyla Barat District, including Napai Village, Cot Lagan, Pasi Malee, Blang Luah.

Meanwhile, in Aongan Lambalek Subdistrict, the flood also submerged Gunung Pulo Village, Peuribu, Peuraho Phone, Gampong Keub.








Mashuri said the flood also submerged one village in Johan Pahlawan District, namely in Pasi Leuhan Village, with the number of affected residents reaching 57 families (KK).

"Flooding also caused hundreds of families in Pasi Masjid Village, Meureubo District, West Aceh Regency to be affected by flooding," Mashuri added.

In order to help flood victims, the West Aceh BPBD has also deployed personnel to a number of disaster locations to help the community.

"Currently we are still trying to collect data on locations hit by floods," said Mashuri.

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