LEBAK - The customary institutions of the Baduy community in the interior of Lebak Regency, Banten, gathered and prayed that the Indonesian people and the world would be free from the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We hope that this prayer will be answered by Almighty God," said the Baduy traditional leader who is also the Head of Kanekes Village Lebak Jaro Saija in Lebak as quoted by Antara, Friday, February 12.

The traditional Baduy community is now praying that the life of the nation in the world will be free from the spread of COVID-19 which has an impact on the economy and society and culture.

So far, he said, millions of world citizens have been exposed to this deadly disease and until now the corona virus is still spreading.

Therefore, the leaders of the Baduy traditional institutions gathered in the Cibongkok Forest in the Baduy area while praying for the safety, welfare, security and peace of the nation.

The meeting was attended by 12 dependents, some psychics, dangka sira dayeuh, carungeun suspects and suspects singkalayeuh.

"We hope that the prayer rituals carried out by these traditional institutions can be fulfilled so that the nation is free from the COVID-19 pandemic," he explained.

According to him, if the COVID-19 pandemic, the nations of the world can return to normal lives full of peace, security and prosperity.

Baduy traditional leader who is also the Head of Kanekes Village, Lebak Jaro Saija Regency

The end of the COVID-19 pandemic will also make the life of the Indonesian people full of fertility and peace as well as the wheels of the economy to revive.

So far, he said, the COVID-19 pandemic has also had an impact on decreasing tourist visits to the Baduy community areas.

Currently, Baduy business actors are out of business because there are no buyers from visitors due to the large-scale social restrictions (PSBB), he said.

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