MEDAN - The occupancy rate of five-star hotel rooms in the tourist destinations of Parapat and Berastagi, North Sumatra during Chinese New Year is at an average of 80-90 percent.

"Thank God, on Friday night, the room occupancy at the Inna Parapat Hotel was close to 90 percent, 88.25 percent to be precise", said Marketing Manager of Inna Parapat Hotel, Zoelfitri, quoted by Antara, Friday, February 12.

The number of rooms available at the Inna Parapat Hotel is 94. The occupancy rate of hotel rooms on Friday night, said Zoelfitri, was even the highest since early January with an average of 68.56 percent.

"There are predictions that it could go up again on Saturday night. However, despite a large number of orders for rooms, Inna Parapat Hotel's management is still strict in implementing the health protocols", he said.

Inna Parapat for example, continued Zoelfitri, only prepares Chinese New Year dinner for guests in the room.

"There is no dinner together like the usual room packages sold during Chinese New Year", said Zoelfitri.

Chairman of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) of North Sumatra, Denny S Wardhana, said that since the COVID-19 pandemic in February 2020, hotel occupancy has plummeted.

Only during religious holidays such as Eid Al Fitr, Eid Al Adha, Christmas/New Year, and Chinese New Year 2021 that occupancy increases.

Apart from Parapat, he said, hotel room orders in Berastagi also increased by an average of about 80-90 percent.

Even so, said Denny, the hotel management could not get maximum profit because it was still tight in implementing the health protocols.

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