JAKARTA - Many think that currently buzzers have involvement to enliven issues on social media. Chairman of the Fatwa Division of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Asrorun Niam Sholeh reminded that there was an MUI fatwa regarding buzzer.

Several years ago, the MUI established Fatwa Number 24 of 2017 concerning Law and Guidelines for Convocation through Social Media. In the fatwa, among them discussed the law of buzzer activity.

"In the legal provisions, it is stipulated that the party who produces, disseminates and / or makes accessible content about hoaxes, backbiting, slander, namimah, disgrace, bullying, hate speech, and other similar matters personally related to other people and / or legal audiences. haram, "said Asrorun in his statement, Friday, February 12.

In addition, the act of seeking information about disgrace, gossip, the ugliness of another person or legal group is haram, except for interests justified in syar'i.

Then, producing and / or disseminating content / information that aims to correct wrong or blame the right, build opinions so that it seems successful and successful, and the purpose of hiding the truth and deceiving audiences is haram.

"Spread personal content to the public, even though the content is known to be inappropriate for distribution to the public, such as poses that show genitals, is haram," he said.

Asrorun said, buzzer activity on social media which makes the provision of information containing hoaxes, backbiting, slander, namimah, bullying, disgrace, gossip, and other similar things as a profession to gain benefits, both economic and non-economic, is haraam.

"Likewise people who order, support, help, take advantage of services and people who facilitate it," said Asrorun.

In another part of the same fatwa, MUI also prohibits the act of making the provision of content / information containing hoaxes, disgrace, hate speech, gossip, and other similar matters related to individuals or groups as a profession to gain benefits, both economically and non-economically. , like the buzzer profession that seeks to profit from these illicit activities.

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