JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission X of the House of Representatives (DPR) Syaiful Huda questioned the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud).
This is related to the discovery of pornographic site links in high school level sociology textbooks. According to Syaiful Huda, the Ministry of Education and Culture, which is led by Nadiem Makarim, has an Indonesian Bookkeeping Information System that can oversee publishing activities in the school environment including textbooks.
"This should be maximized so that the textbooks circulating in schools no longer contain controversial matters such as the inclusion of pornographic links in textbooks that can have a negative impact on students," criticized Syaiful Huda in a written statement reported by Antara, Friday, 12 February.
The case of the inclusion of pornographic links to the book Sociology of SMA in West Java (Jabar) is not the first case. In 2014, there was news about the Physical Education Book for class XI which taught about the ways and styles of dating.
The theme of this chapter is 'Understanding the Effects of Free Sex'. He also explained about a healthy dating style, namely physically healthy, emotionally healthy, socially healthy and sexually healthy.
"Apart from that, there has also been a controversial issue in the textbooks of Islamic Education and Character Class XI SMA, where there is a content that allows the killing of polytheists," he said.
Apart from pornographic links, political matters are often found in textbooks. The newest is the name Ganjar which is synonymous with the name of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.
The figure of Ganjar in the matter of the book Islamic Religious Education and Character published by PT Tiga Serangkai in 2020 is said to have never been grateful, every Eid al-Adha never sacrifices and never pray.
Not to mention the names Megawati and Anies with framing corner one party in the exam questions for students in DKI Jakarta. PKB politicians assessed that these facts indicate that there is indeed a weakness in supervision regarding the publication of textbooks and exam questions for students in Indonesia.
"Of course it is hard to do, but with the digitalization of supervision and services, it will be done in the future. In addition, increasing the capacity of educational staff as a source of writing must also be done so that they can put their point of view as educators, not as individuals with political or ideological affiliations, "he said.
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