JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (ATR) / National Land Agency (BPN) will return the land certificate belonging to the former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dino Patti Djalal. However, if it is proven that there is forgery in the case.

As is well known, Dino Patti Djalal's mother became a victim of a land mafia gang fraud. Where, ownership of a house certificate can change names without any buying and selling process.

The Director General of Land Disputes and Conflict Handling of the Ministry of ATR / BPN, Raden Bagus Agus Widjayanto said that if in the legal process, it is proven that there is falsification of seller data and sale and purchase certificates, BPN ATR can return the land certificate to the name of the original owner.

"If it is proven in court that the seller is a figure and it is also proven that there is falsification of the seller's data and the sale and purchase certificate, then ATR / BPN can cancel, sell and buy. Land status can return to the previous property," he said in a virtual press conference. , Thursday, February 11th.

The ATR / BPN Ministry also supported Dino to report the case to the police. Because, based on information from Dino Patti Djalal, his mother, Yurmisnawita, never signed a sale and purchase certificate.

"Because this is a pure crime, forgery and transfer. BPN is not in the capacity to investigate criminal cases like this. However, the Ministry of ATR / BPN is working with the Police to uncover this case," he said.

BPN temporarily blocked the home certificate for Dino Patti Djalal's family

Minister of ATR / Head of BPN, Sofyan Djalil, said that his party was sure to block the house certificate belonging to Dino Patti's mother. He said the blocking was carried out until the case allegedly involving the land mafia was completed and a Notification on the Progress of Investigation Results (SP2HP) was issued from the Indonesian National Police.

According to him, the house certificate is currently under the buyer's name and has been used as collateral at the bank. This is because during the process of changing the name by the mafia perpetrators it went well because the certificate submitted to the BPN office was the original certificate.

However, Sofyan confirmed that the certificate could not be transferred and used. "Assets are blocked, nothing can be done with them," he explained.

For your information, through his social media account, former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dino Patti Djalal said that his mother was a victim of a plot to thieves land certificates. The house certificate has suddenly changed its name to someone else in the National Land Agency (BPN) without his knowledge.

"In order for the public to be alert: another gang of my family's house was looted by a gang of house certificate thieves. My mother's house certificate had changed names at BPN even though there was no AJB, there were no transactions and even no meeting with my mother," he wrote, quoted on Thursday, 11 February.

Then, Dino explained that the mode of the plot to steal the land certificate was by making fake ID cards, colluding with black brokers and fake notaries, and putting up a 'photo-like ID card' figure who was paid to act as the owner of a fake ID. They are said to have targeted a number of houses for their not young mothers.

"Today, the police have begun investigating the case of my mother's house (see photo) and chasing the perpetrator. As a family of the victim, as a taxpayer, I ask the police to eradicate this gang professionally, quickly + thoroughly, especially the brain / leader #berantasmafiatanah," he said. .

The Chief Advisor to the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno asked the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan and the Head of the Metro Jaya Regional Police to arrest all land mafia conspirators whose work is increasingly detrimental to the community.

Currently, the Subdirectorate of Property of the Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya has also succeeded in arresting the perpetrators of the land certificate mafia who recently harmed the mother of the former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dino Patti Djalal. The police arrested Arnold Siahaya, Dedi Rusmanto, and Ferry who were already at the PMJ and Cipinang prison detention centers. The case came to light in January 2021.

The three of them are suspected of committing criminal acts of fraud and / or embezzlement and / or forgery and or placing false information on authentic deeds and or money laundering.

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