JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo hopes that the Governor of South Sulawesi, Prof. HM Nurdin Abdullah, will continue to maintain South Sulawesi as the green zone for COVID-19 in South Sulawesi.

"Therefore, please continue to maintain it. I spoke with the governor earlier, the growth rate here is already 0.7 percent. Hopefully it can exceed the national figure," said General Sigit when reviewing the tough house or Balla Ewako which was initiated by the South Sulawesi Police Chief as efforts to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19 in South Sulawesi, Thursday, February 11.

Kapolri said the South Sulawesi region was not included in the 7 regions that were monitored nationally. However, South Sulawesi continues to maintain strict health protocols (prokes) such as 3M wearing masks, stealing hands and maintaining distance.

"Although perhaps the South Sulawesi region is not included in the 7 monitoring areas, from the results of the provisional review here, it turns out that they actually carry out activities starting from 3 T (Tresing, testing then treatment)," he said while in Bulurokeng Village, Biringkanaya District.

"Here it is called Tri Sula, starting from tresing activities, testing then treatment. The procedure is carried out well, then related to the use of masks, of course, related to the rules that are reported and implemented properly, "continued the Chief of Police.

Therefore, the National Police Chief hopes that the people of South Sulawesi, especially Makassar City, will continue to maintain South Sulawesi as a green zone for COVID-19 transmission.

"Congratulations to the people in Bulurokeng sub-district. I entrust it to be maintained in relation to the health program so that we can survive in the green zone and then develop in the economy of the people in this region," he hoped.

General Sigit also appreciated the fast movement of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government with all Forkompinda, especially the TNI-Polri and the Health Service of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government. The National Police Chief said that this movement was proven to suppress the growth of COVID-19.

"Even though it is a red zone, with Balla Ewako activities, the discipline turns out to be turning into a green zone. Of course we deliberately came here to see where the activities of Balai Ewako that carried out the 3 M and 3 T programs could actually be carried out well "So that efforts to reduce the growth rate of COVID-19 can really be guarded," said General Sigit.

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