JAKARTA - Head of TPI Banda Aceh's Class I Immigration Office, Telmaizul Syatri spoke up following the entry of foreign cruise ships in Indonesian waters.

According to him, there were no violations of the Immigration Law by 18 crew members who were also foreign nationals (WNA).

"From the results of the examination, they did not commit any immigration violations. They entered Indonesian territory due to an emergency. They were from the Maldives for Singapore, but due to engine failure, they entered Indonesian territory," said Telmaizul Syatri in Banda Aceh.

Because they are in a state of emergency, they cannot go through the door of the immigration check which is regulated by Article 114 of Law Number 6 Year 2011 concerning Immigration.

Regarding the passports of the 18 foreign nationals, Telmaizul Syatri stated that their immigration documents would be returned. Previously, their passports were withheld to prevent them from escaping.

"From the immigration side, they do not violate the Immigration Law. So, they cannot be sanctioned according to the law. Regarding how they are next, related to decisions of other related agencies," said Telmaizul Syatri.

Previously, a joint team from the Aceh Police, Indonesian Navy, Customs and Excise, Immigration, Kodim, Health Quarantine Office and BIN tracked and arrested a cruise ship named La Datcha George Town.

A cruise ship known to have the flag of the Cayman Islands was secured when anchoring in the waters of Rusa Island, Lhoong District, Aceh Besar. The ship has been in these waters since Friday, February 5.

The ship was found to have committed a violation because it was anchored without permission. The ship did not raise the red and white flag when it entered the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. And not turning on the position tracking device.

Meanwhile, AKBP Padli, Head of the Sub-Directorate for Law Enforcement of the Air Water Police Directorate of Aceh Polda, said that from the results of the investigation, no violations of the foreign cruise ships were found.

"We have questioned the captain of the ship. They are from the Maldives destined for Singapore. They argued that they entered Indonesian territory because of engine failure," said AKBP Padli.

Regarding the cruise ship's not raising the red and white flag when it entered Indonesian territory, AKBP Padli said the captain of the ship reasoned that they had not reported their presence in Indonesian waters.

"We have not found any indication of the violation we have investigated according to our authority. We have also coordinated with our leadership," said AKBP Padli.

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