Receiving Complaints, West Jakarta Metro Police Starts Searching 'Steady-Steady' Videos Like GL Artists
Head of West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKBP Teuku Arsya Khadafi (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police (Jakbar) received complaints from elements of the community about immoral videos similar to the artist's initials GL circulating on many social media.

"We have just received a complaint report from elements of society that conveyed a video that resembles a disturbing public figure," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of West Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Teuku Arsya Khadafi in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, February 11.

From the basis of the complaint, Arsya said that his party would start an investigation to further investigate the existence of parties related to the making of the video, as well as the elements of the crime.

His party received evidence in the form of a web page link containing the video and the artist's news regarding the video.

"We will explore it through the investigation process, the point is that the West Jakarta Metro Police will try to thoroughly investigate this case," said Arsya.

The complaint was filed by a young man named M Senanatha, who admitted that he was worried that the video could be watched by children who are currently not separated from their gadgets.

"We have siblings and nephews who are still minors and still use technology," he said.

He submitted a number of pieces of evidence including printed proof of the news and a link containing the artist's video.

"My confidence, I leave it to the West Jakarta Police," he said.

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