JAKARTA - Director General of Regional Administration of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Syafrizal, said that the government is currently looking for the best formula to handle the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

Apart from being complex, he said, handling COVID-19 also has enormous challenges. This has led to changes in government policies in dealing with the spread of this virus.

"If there is an impression that the changes are too fast between policies and one policy, we are indeed looking for the best way to reduce the curve," said Syafrizal in a press conference broadcast on YouTube, Wednesday, February 10.

For this reason, the government finally decided to look for a new formula by implementing PPKM Mikro. This is because handling the COVID-19 pandemic is not only the task of the central government but also the responsibility of all elements of society.

"Therefore it requires participation, collaboration with all levels of society down to the micro level. PPKM Micro is a two-layer policy, the first layer is PPKM in districts / cities and the second layer is in the micro sector," he said.

Furthermore, he also considers that micro restriction is appropriate considering that most interactions occur in sub-districts, villages and RTs. "Therefore, the policy was launched for the micro sector," he said.

Previously reported, since Tuesday, February 9 yesterday, the government has implemented Micro PPKM in seven provinces which previously had implemented the policy for four weeks.

This policy is based on the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 3 of 2021 concerning the Enforcement of Restrictions on Micro-Based Community Activities and the Establishment of a Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Management Post at the Village and Sub-District Levels to Control COVID-19.

This zoning determination is determined by the local government which is then mapped by each governor. The determination takes into account a number of criteria as follows:

1. Green zone

Criteria: No house in one RT has a positive case of COVID-19 in the last 7 days.

Scenario: active surveillance, all suspects tested and monitoring of the case is carried out regularly.

2. Yellow zone

Criteria: there are 1 to 5 houses with positive cases during the last 7 days.

Scenario: find a suspected case and close contact tracing and then ask for self-isolation with close supervision.

3. Orange zone

Criteria: there are 6 to 10 houses with positive cases during the last 7 days.

Scenarios: finding suspected cases and tracing close contacts and then being asked to self-isolate under strict supervision, closing houses of worship, children's play areas and other public places except for the essential sector.

4. Red zone

Criteria: there are more than 10 houses with positive cases during the last 7 days.

Scenarios: finding suspect cases and close contact tracing; perform self-isolation; closing houses of worship, children's play areas and other public places except for the essential sector; prohibits crowds of more than 3 people; limit entry and exit of RT to a maximum of 20.00 WIB; and eliminate crowd-generating social activities.

Furthermore, monitoring will be carried out by village guard posts in coordination with the COVID-19 Handling Task Force at the sub-district, regency, city level and coordinating with the TNI / Polri.

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