SURABAYA - Five regions in East Java contributed the most cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). The number reached 408 cases, with a death rate of four people.
"If compared to last year in the same month, 2021 has decreased. Meanwhile in 2020, there were 1,074 people with 13 deaths," said the Head of the East Java Health Service, Herlin Ferliana, in Surabaya, Wednesday, February 10.
There were also five regions with the highest number of dengue cases in early 2021, namely Situbondo District with 114 dengue cases, Bondowoso 42 cases, Jember 28 cases, Magetan 23 cases, and Kediri Regency 13 cases. Meanwhile, the mortality rate for each from Pamekasan Regency is two people, Situbondo Regency and Malang City are one person each.
"In February 2021, there were 10 cases of dengue fever that were reported, without any deaths," he said.
Herlin explained, the district / city health office has made efforts to prevent dengue by increasing the role of the community in 3M's Mosquito Nest Eradication (PSN) as well as through the activities of one house and one jumantik.
"In addition, we are promoting health through various media, coordinating with related sectors in efforts to prevent DHF as well as surveillance of dengue cases in the regions," he said.
The East Java Health Office also prepares health service facilities, personnel and logistics in an effort to control dengue disease, and implements the East Java Governor's Circular dated October 28, 2020 regarding DHF Precautions in the rainy season.
"To support PSN activities, the One House One Jumantik Movement is currently being carried out, namely increasing community participation and empowerment by involving each family for inspection, monitoring, and elimination of mosquito larvae," Herlin said.
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