JAKARTA - Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka is rumored to be attending the Golkar Party National Leadership Meeting (Rapimnas) today, Saturday, October 21.

This news strengthened after President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) son departed from Solo, Central Java to Jakarta on Friday afternoon, October 20.

Is it true that Gibran will be present at this party event bearing the banyan symbol?

Responding to this, the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, was economical. He only said that this activity had been well prepared and would be followed by cadres.

"The preparation of Rapimnas is good, so we'll just have to wait," Airlangga told reporters at the Golkar Party DPP Office, Slipi, Jakarta, Saturday, October 21.

"This event will only be attended by Golkar cadres," he continued. Meanwhile, regarding Gibran's presence, Airlangga did not talk much.

"We'll see," he said.

Similarly, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Golkar Party Aburizal Bakrie also did not know about Gibran's presence in this activity.

"Maybe (Gibran, red) came, maybe not," he said before entering the Golkar Party DPP Building.

Previously reported, Gibran, who is a PDI-P cadre (PDIP), is rumored to be joining the Golkar Party and will accompany Prabowo Subianto as a vice presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

All the codes have been milling about from faint to bright. One of them, from Airlangga Hartarto, said that the vice presidential candidate who would accompany Prabowo would be under 40 years old.

"Even with under 40, God willing, Central Java, God willing, we can fight again. So we are optimistic that we will win," said Airlangga in his speech at the celebration ceremony of the 59th Anniversary of the Golkar Party, Friday, October 20.

This statement was conveyed by Airlangga in front of Prabowo who was also present at the Golkar Anniversary. Apart from Central Java's affairs, Airlangga talked about Prabowo's strength in West Java.

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