JAKARTA - The chairman of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, stated that he did not want Indonesia to only become a market for other countries in every way.

He made this statement when giving a speech in front of the 'Jagat Prabowo' volunteers at his residence, Thursday, October 19.

"We don't want to be a market for other nations," said Prabowo.

According to him, the current condition must turn around. Where, Indonesia must become a producer and then spread its products throughout the country.

"Together we will build a great Indonesia, a dignified Indonesia, an Indonesia that is respected by other nations, an Indonesia that will make its own car, make its own motorbike, which will make everything on its own," he explained.

That way, the community's economy will increase. As a result, Prabowo said, the poverty rate could be reduced and even disappeared.

"We want our children, our grandchildren and grandchildren to work with sufficient results, adequate results, we don't want the Indonesian people to always UMR UMR, we don't want it," he said.

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