JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate (candidate) and vice presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD visited the residence of PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri. The two of them docked after registering with the General Election Commission (KPU) this afternoon.
"(Meeting only, ed) me, Pak Ganjar, my wife, and his wife," said Mahfud after holding a meeting at Megawati's house, Jalan Teuku Umar, Central Jakarta.
Mahfud said there were a number of discussions, including regarding his candidacy with Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election. However, he did not want to elaborate further because he immediately left.
Ganjar-Mahfud arrived at Megawati's house separately. Ganjar and his wife, Siti Atiqoh arrived at around 14.20 WIB by riding a black car
Meanwhile Mahfud arrived at around 14:23 WIB. He was accompanied by his wife, Zaizatun Nihayati.
Each of them went straight into Megawati's house. Meanwhile, Ganjar and Mahfud wore white long-sleeved shirts.
Previously reported, Ganjar and Mahfud had officially registered as participants in the 2024 presidential election on Thursday, October 19. On that occasion, they handed over their vision and mission to the KPU.
The formulation of this vision and mission has been discussed for a long time. The vision and mission formula has also been refined by expanding ideas involving experts.
The vision brought by this candidate pair is towards superior Indonesia. Meanwhile, their mission includes accelerating the development of superior Indonesian human beings who are qualified, productive, and have a personality; accelerate mastery of science and technology through accelerating research and independent innovation; accelerate the development of a career economy based on knowledge and added value.
Then, accelerate ekonomic development equality; accelerate the development of a national digital system; accelerate the realization of a sustainable environment through a green and blue economy; accelerate the implementation of substantive democracy; human rights respect, fair rule of law, and professional security.
Furthermore, accelerating the increase in Indonesia's role in realizing a new world system that is more just through active free foreign politics and strengthening national defense.
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