JAKARTA - The future pair of presidential candidates (candidates) Anies Baswedan and the prospective vice presidential candidate (cawapres) Muhaimin Iskandar made a visit at Nasdem Tower, Menteng, Central Jakarta 19 morning, before they registered to the General Election Commission (KPU) building. On that occasion, Anies Baswedan recalled when the General Chairperson of Nasdem, Surya Paloh decided Anies as a candidate to be nominated in the 2024 presidential election. This happened in Nasdem Tower, October 3, 2022. "When the general chairman declared in this place, and the day before we met together. That afternoon he said this was big, this was not light, man Anies. Bung Anies ready?" Anies said. Anies Baswedan admitted that he was ready to accept the offer, although he knew he would pass many trials and tests. Bang Surya bismillah, if this was carried out together, if it was intended with good intentions and with a shared commitment, I God willing (ready). Then, he hugged me in his room,' he said. "After that afternoon the wave (test) never stopped. After that wave (trial) never stopped. Continuing, what is being shown to this nation?" he said. Furthermore, Anies Baswedan explained that currently the Indonesian legal condition is fulfilled with inconsistency. For that, his progress with Muhaimin Iskandar as the beginning of good change. This nation may change at the end, maybe change at the end, maybe change in the middle, why? We have been shown too often inconsistency, shown at changing attitudes in the middle of the road. Today we witness this nation being given an example of what consistency is, what is what is verbal determination and actions, "said the former governor of DKI Jakarta.
Finally, Anies Baswedan thanked those who have helped support the AMIN pair in the 2024 presidential election. "Everything works together in a better Indonesian endeavor, but it all starts from one good intention and determination, consistency, courage because the basis is right. God willing, this is a lesson. So the wisdom and future Indonesia is that Indonesia is again trusted in politics, its leaders are again held by the sentence," he concluded.
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