JAKARTA - The body of Rusman HR alias Aco (40), a motorcycle taxi driver who was killed in Ilaga, the capital of Puncak Regency on Tuesday, February 9, was evacuated to Timika by Asian One Air plane on Wednesday, February 10 morning.

Arriving at Mozes Kilangin Timika Airport at around 08.30 WIT, Rusman's body was taken by ambulance to Mimika Hospital for post mortem.

The wife of the late Hardianti and their two sons, Radja Tabuni and Muhammad Razak, along with two of their relatives, Hamka and Gusriani, accompanied them.

The plan is for Rusman's body to be flown to Makassar on Wednesday, February 10 afternoon on a Sriwijaya Air flight from Timika to be buried in his hometown, Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi.

Head of Public Relations of the Papua Regional Police, Senior Commissioner of Police, AM Kamal, said that the victim was beaten by around six people on the road near Ilambet Village, Ilaga District, Puncak Regency.

The victim received stab wounds to the left back and back of the left shoulder.

"The victim works as a motorcycle taxi driver. He went downstairs to escort passengers. When he returned, he was intercepted by six people. The information we received was that the victim was stabbed. The victim had run, but then fell and finally died of bleeding," explained Kombes Kamal.

After receiving a report that a resident had been killed, the Puncak Police immediately went to the scene. However, the presence of police officers was greeted with shootings by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB).

"When members came there, shots were fired from their group. What is clear is that it was from the KKB," said Kombes Kamal.

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