JAKARTA - Ustaz Maaher At Thuwailibi alias Soni Ernata died on Monday, February 8 yesterday at the Police detention center. Confusion about the death of Almahrum which was involved in the case of hate speech that smelled of SARA against Habib Lutfi bin Yahya also appeared.

Several figures such as Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian MPRI Hidayat Nur Wahid to the former Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Tengku Zulkarnain, then asked the Police to be transparent in explaining Maaher's death. The goal is to avoid slander.

One of the information that mentions the cause of Maaher's death is being tortured at the Police detention center and experiencing severe skin pain. Maaher was then rushed to the National Police Hospital but was sent back to the detention house even though his condition had not yet recovered.

This information was uploaded by Ade Armando on his twitter account, @ Adearmando1, on Monday, February 8 yesterday and at the same time linking it to the account that first distributed it, Pribumi Bangkit. This University of Indonesia (UI) Communication lecturer said that this was slander.

"In fact, I got news that he died from an illness that I cannot name yet because if it turns out it will drop Maher's name. Do you need to open up?" tweeted Ade Armando quoted by VOI, Tuesday, February 9.

The National Police Headquarters has also issued a statement to prevent confusion and propaganda about the cause of Maaher's death.

"I cannot convey what the pain was because it was sensitive, this could be related to the good name of the deceased," said Head of Public Relations of the Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono to reporters, Tuesday, February 9.

Most importantly, said Argo, the police medical officer has provided care to Ustad Maaher while complaining about his illness

"From the doctor's statement and the treatment, Soni Ernata's brother has a sensitive illness which can make the family's good name tarnished if we mention it here," explained Argo.

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