BOGOR - Police arrested 7 people who were carrying sharp weapons to carry out a brawl in the Bogor City area. One of them caused injuries due to stabs.
Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso said the seven perpetrators were arrested from three different locations. Namely the areas of Central Bogor, South Bogor and North Bogor.
"North Bogor 4 suspects were arrested by Satreskrim. Starting from an invitation to live Instagram for a brawl in the Wheel Cage, we managed to secure it with a knife and a motorbike," said Bismo, Wednesday, October 11.
For the South Bogor area, Bismo continued, two suspects were arrested by the South Bogor Police because they were caught carrying sharp weapons.
"Because it is suspicious and there are sickles secured from 2 suspects. Among them are still children, we apply the Child Justice Law," he added.
Finally, in the Central Bogor area, one suspect, who is still a minor, was arrested for carrying a sharp weapon and carrying out persecution. Where, the victim suffered stab wounds to his fingers, wrists and stomach.
"Starting from a challenging party that provoked the perpetrators to carry out persecution with sharp weapons," said Bismo.
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