JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, has asked for the function of the press to become the fourth pillar of democracy. In terms of providing information, the press must enlighten the Indonesian people.

Listyo conveyed this statement and request when he congratulated the 2021 National Press Day (HPN) which is celebrated on Tuesday, February 9.

"I am General Listyo Sigit Prabowo as the Head of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri) congratulating the National Press Day in 2021. Hopefully the Press will always be at the forefront of enlightening society as the fourth pillar of democracy," Listyo said in a video, Tuesday, February 9.

With the continued development of media personnel, it is hoped that they can cooperate more solidly with the Police in fighting the spread of hoaxes or fake news. Because, hoaxes will only have a bad impact, such as dividing the nation and state.

"As well as assisting the National Police in preventing hoaxes and hate speech that threaten the life of the nation and state," he said.

So that by cooperating with each other and having the same spirit to maintain the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, of course it can maintain and strengthen the diversity that exists in Indonesia.

"So that it also raises the spirit of diversity that encourages the nation's productivity and optimism," said Sigit.

For information, National Press Day is celebrated on February 9 each year. This year the theme raised is "Awakening From the Pandemic, the Press as an Accelerator of Change and Economic Recovery".

National Press Day was held virtually because it was held in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic or the corona virus.

Even though it was held virtually, the spirit of National Press Day did not diminish. The reason is, activities are still being carried out. Not only that, a number of state officials were involved, one of which was Indonesian President Joko Widodo and his staff.

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