JAKARTA - The case of discrimination-based hate speech involving Permadi Arya alias Abu Janda against Natalius Pigai is still ongoing. But recently both of them hinted for reconciliation.

The reconciliation hint can be seen from an Instagram post from Gerindra Party's chairman, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, @sufmi_dasco, on Monday, February 8.

In the post, it shows Abu Janda and Natalius Pigai sitting together at one table. They held a meeting at the Fairmont Hotel.

"Strengthen ourselves to build the country with Natalias Pigai and Abu Janda", wrote Dasco as quoted by VOI.

Apart from Dasco, Abu Janda's colleague and fellow social media activist, Denny Siregar, also posted a photo showing similar conditions through his Twitter account @Dennysiregar7.

In fact, in the post, it is given a narrative that broadly indicates that the two are not in conflict.

"(The two of them) Already shook hands @permadiaktivis1 and @NataliusPigai2. Having different perspectives is okay, but no need to fight. Solve all problems with a cup of coffee", tweeted Denny.

Even though the two of them have met, it does not mean that the process of the discrimination-based hate speech case is over. This is because the reporting party in this case is not Natalius Pigai.

The case registered with the police number LP/B/0052/I/2021/Bareskrim dated Thursday, January 28, 2021, it was reported by the Chairman of the Legal Division of the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI), Medya Rischa Lubis.

On the other hand, Abu Janda admitted that his tweet was actually addressed to Natalius Pigai. Although, he argued that the word 'evolution' is not to physically insult him (Pigai).

"If you're saying that I insulted his way of thinking, that's right", said Abu Janda

In addition, Abu Janda also mentioned that the tweet was made because Pigai first mocked the General (ret) AM Hendropriyono.

"It was solely because Pigai's tweet questioned the general's capacity, I replied back, 'What's your capacity? Is it finished yet? Your way of thinking, is it finished yet?'".

Abu Janda argued that Pigai had insulted Hendropriyono with inappropriate diction. In fact, according to him, Pigai is no better than Hendropriyono.

"He (Pigai) insulted very viciously and even did body shaming, he said 'What is your capacity, you old man?' He said so", said Abu Janda.

Abu Janda was reported under Article 45 paragraph (3) Jo article 27 paragraph (3) and/or article 45 A paragraph (2) Jo article 25 paragraph (2) and/or Law number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions, Hatred or Enmity for Individuals and/or Intergroups (SARA), Article 310 and/or Article 311 of the Criminal Code.

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