JAKARTA - Head of DKI Jakarta Public Housing and Settlement Areas, Kelik Indriyanto, resigned from his position. Kelik is a regional work unit (SKPD) that manages the Rp 0 DP Home Program whose total ownership is still far from the target.
Kelik's resignation was confirmed by the Head of the Regional Civil Service Bureau (BKD) Chaidir. He said the reason for Kelik's resignation was because he wanted to join the DKI Governor Team for the Acceleration of Development (TGUPP).
"He wants to join TGUPP, the infrastructure sector," said Chaidir when contacted, Wednesday, February 26.
The transfer of Kelik's position turned out to be a drop in his rank. In his original position, the Head of the Jakarta Public Housing and Settlement Area Service was the echelon II State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Meanwhile, Kelik's new position as a grade 3 member of TGUPP is equivalent to echelon III.
The work allowances for these two positions are also different. Regulation of the Governor of DKI Number 409 of 2016 states that the regional performance allowance of the Head of the Housing and Settlement Service reaches IDR 55,170,000 each month.

When he became a TGUPP Grade 3 member, the financial rights that Kelik received each month decreased from his previous position, namely Rp. 15,300,000. Not to mention, since the time of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) 's leadership as the governor of DKI, the assumption that the slot for TGUPP members filled by former service heads is a "parking lot" for service heads who are not working optimally.
This was reinforced by a decrease in allowances. However, the assumption that the TGUPP slot was filled by ASN was denied by the Head of BKD Chaidir. "No, people (TGUPP) are a place of honor, too," said Chaidir.
For information, the Rp 0 Dp Home Program that is already operating is Klapa Village located in the Pondok Kelapa area, East Jakarta. Of the total 780 housing units, only about 225 units have been successfully owned by home owners or have passed the KPR contract process from Bank DKI.
In fact, there are already more than 3,000 who have registered but did not pass the file verification. On average, they fail to qualify to have a DP House of Rp. 0 because they are stuck in file verification at Bank DKI. Even though the monthly salary passes the requirements, namely Rp. 4-7 million per month, it turns out that there are other installments that charge you. It is feared that the prospective owner will not be able to pay in installments regularly.
In fact, the target number of DP houses of Rp0 that must be built during the leadership of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan is 232,214 units. This target is included in the DKI Jakarta Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) for 2017-2022.
Therefore, in December 2019, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan promised to no longer complicate the requirements for ownership of a DP 0 Rupiah home in the second location in Cillangkap, East Jakarta.
"We want some of the technical requirements to be revised, making it easier for people who want to move from a banking system without banking to a financing system that uses banks," said Anies.
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