SERANG - The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Food Security (DKP3) of Serang City noted that of the 237.5 hectares of rice fields that experienced a drought of 39 hectares, including puso or crop failure due to long dryness.

The Head of Agricultural and Counseling Division of the Serang City DKP3, Andriyani, said that the more rice fields that experience drought to crop failure will affect the residents of Serang City, especially farmers.

"Cumulatively up to September 29, 237.5 hectares of rice fields experience drought but if they are reduced to those that have been harvested and recovered, only 155.5 hectares of rice fields are experiencing drought," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 5.

Of the 155.5 hectares, he said, 39 hectares of puso natural rice fields were recorded due to drought and the availability of water in irrigation experiencing a decrease in water discharge.

As for the handling, he continued, so far the extension team assisted by the Plant Disturbing Organism Control (POPT) officers has carried out a more intensive escort.

"We also provide directions, especially for land that is not watered, so as not to carry out planting activities until it rains," said Andriyani.

His party has proposed several programs to deal with drought in agricultural areas, including those related to the construction of pump wells and repairs to irrigation routes.

"In the budget (APBD), several programs have been proposed earlier, in addition to controlling inflation as well as preventing the impact of El Nino," he said.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Serang, Syafrudin, hopes that the assistance of various parties, especially in providing clean water by constructing pump wells in areas affected by drought.

"We hope that all Forkopimda elements can find CSR for the help of pump wells, so that people get more clean water for now," he said.

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