NTB Police Investigate Narcotics Suspect Relations With Police Members In Dompu
The suspect in the narcotics distribution case of methamphetamine with the initials RP (left third) /ANTARA / Dhimas B.P.)

West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police investigators are investigating the alleged relationship between a suspect in the narcotics trafficking case of methamphetamine with the initials RP and a member of the police on duty in Dompu Regency.

"According to information, there is one (suspect) who is a family of the National Police. For that information, we are still investigating the truth," said Director of the NTB Police Narcotics Investigation Kombes Deddy Supriadi in Mataram as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 4.

The police have named RP as a suspect from the results of his arrest at a food stall in the West Sawete area, Dompu Regency, in mid-September 2023.

During the arrest of the RP which took place during the implementation of Operation Antik Rinjani 2023, the police also arrested and named two other suspects with the initials AP and AR.

"From the arrests of the three suspects, evidence of methamphetamine weighing 10 grams and Rp48 million in cash which we suspect has something to do with the circulation of narcotics they run," he said.

The police confiscated evidence of narcotics and cash from AP and AR. Regarding the RP, it was revealed that the results of the investigation acted as a supplier.

"From the results of the examination, AP and AR admitted that the money was the result of the sale of methamphetamine which would be handed over to RP. For methamphetamine in AP and AR, it was admitted from RP. So, the alleged criminal act leads to conspiracy in the circulation of narcotics," he said.

In addition to revealing the roles of the three suspects, Deddy said that his party is still investigating the origin of the RP getting methamphetamine. There are allegations that RP is included in a narcotics trafficking network involving unscrupulous members of the National Police.

"So we are still investigating this case, if later there is evidence that reveals the involvement of unscrupulous members, we will convey it again," said Deddy.

From the disclosure of the case, investigators have detained the three suspects at the NTB Police Detention Center by applying the allegations of Article 112 paragraph (1) and/or Article 114 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

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