JAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of the DKI Jakarta Province reminded preachers not to make mosques and other places of worship in the capital a practical political arena.
"I hope that the mosque will not be used as a practical political event, a match against each other, that's not true," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion Cecep Khairul Anwar to ANTARA, Wednesday, October 4.
According to Cecep, houses of worship should be a symbol of harmony and a means to spread the seeds of peace between the people. Therefore, religious leaders must be able to position themselves regardless of certain groups when delivering their sermons or lectures.
This, said Cecep, is also in line with the contents in the Circular Letter of the Minister of Religion of Indonesia Number 9 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for Religious Lectures. In the rules passed on September 27, 2023, lecturers must not provoke and convey practical political campaigns.
At point E, specifically explain the provisions regarding lecturers and lecture material such as moderate religious knowledge and understanding, tolerance and upholding the dignity and dignity of humanity, politeness and exemplaryness, and national insight.
The circular also regulates that the material conveyed by the lecturer must be educational, enlightening and constructive, as well as increasing faith and piety.
Not only that, but the lecture material must also maintain Pancasila, not contradict RAS, not insult, not provoke the public to commit acts of intolerance, and not be politically charged with practical.
As a follow-up to the circular, said Cecep, the Ministry of Religion through the Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) and other elements of pentahelix will socialize the guidelines to all houses of worship in DKI Jakarta to serve as guidelines.
"Jakarta is still a national barometer, so we must work together to maintain peace and harmony," said Cecep.
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