JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) throughout 2020 has cut off access to thousands of illegal or negative content on the internet. In fact, in early 2021 alone, the number of blocked content has reached hundreds. Because of this, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics actually got the nickname the blocking ministry.

The Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G Plate, said that the ministry under his leadership was dubbed the blocking ministry based on his steps to take action to handle negative content on the internet.

Throughout 2020, Johnny said, Kominfo took down 2,859 content that violated intellectual property. In 2021, Kominfo consistently cuts access to 360 content that violates intellectual property, including copyright.

"Kominfo is becoming more and more known as the Block Ministry. Block content, block content, take down content, take down content," he said, at the opening of the National Press Day convention which was broadcast virtually, Monday, February 8.

Johnny said that this step was taken by his party to create a safe digital space for the community. In its implementation, Kominfo will intensify digital literacy in society massively and sustainably, including public awareness on intellectual property issues.

"Community digital literacy is an important aspect in the use of positive and productive digital space. With qualified digital literacy, it is hoped that everyone will have sufficient skills to navigate themselves in the era of information disruption as well as in creating, managing and respecting content. -digital content, "he said.

Furthermore, Johnny said, in dealing with negative content on the internet, his party did not work alone. Kominfo also collaborates with Bareskrim Polri for physical action.

"I need to convey, the law enforcement movement in the digital space this time goes hand in hand and together with law enforcement at Bareskrim Polri in the physical space. Digital space by the Ministry of Communication and Information, physical space by Bareskrim Polri. At the moment these 2 institutions work together and are supported. strong by the media, we hope that our digital space will be cleaner, filled with better and more useful competition, "he said.

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