JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ombudsman has urged President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to issue a presidential regulation (Perpres) to clarify the limits on placing someone in structural and functional positions in State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN).

This is done in order to prevent the occurrence of multiple positions in state-owned companies such as those which have recently become the public's attention.

"We have given a note to the president to issue a Presidential Regulation on restrictions so that it can be implemented effectively," said Indonesian Ombudsman member Ahmad Alamsyah Saragih during the launch of the 2020 Ombudsman RI annual report which was held online and broadcast on YouTube, Monday, February 8.

Quoted from the Ombusman report, it was found that 397 commissioners were indicated as concurrent positions in BUMN and 167 commissioners with concurrent positions in BUMN subsidiaries in 2019.

Not only that, the Ombudsman also found the dominance of a number of certain ministries and institutions in the placement of commissioners in BUMN, with 112 BUMN commissioners indicating concurrent positions in non-ministerial positions; 254 commissioners indicated concurrent positions in the Ministry; and 31 BUMN commissioners from academia.

Returning to Alamsyah, he said that the concurrent position at this state-owned company occurred because of an effort to increase remuneration or the provision of salaries from the company to its employees.

"This is solely a matter of remuneration. We have to be honest because we are used to dodging for various reasons," he said.

"After we studied and met with Pak Erick Thohir, our conclusion is that this dual position is the only problem is to increase remuneration," he added.

That way in the future, the government will ask the government for a solution so that it can create a sense of justice for fellow officials.

"We have to think about the solution so that this increase in remuneration does not interfere with the sense of justice for fellow government officials themselves," he concluded.

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