JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) conducts education to farmers in Indonesia through the implementation of the Climate Lapang School (SLI). BMKG provides education and training to Indonesian farmers so that they can be more skilled in climate change mitigation strategies and adaptation.

If farmers can mitigate and adapt climate change, then Indonesia's food security will be maintained and stronger.

"God willing, with food security maintained, Indonesia can avoid the threat of a global food crisis. The food crisis has hit various countries in the world as a result of the swift pace of climate change," said BMKG Head Dwikorita Karnawati in a written statement received on Sunday, October 1.

This time the SLI was held in Widodomartani Village, Kapanewon Ngemplak, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region.

"The agricultural sector is closely related to weather and climate conditions. The bad effects of extreme weather or climate change can result in a decrease in agricultural production in quantity and quality. In addition, the development of disease pests is due to the lack of good planting patterns. Both of these must be minimized because they can threaten national food security. Extreme climate events in the form of floods and drought cause plants experiencing crop failure or puso to become wider," said Head of BMKG Dwikorita Karnawati.

Farmers as the spearhead of agriculture need to have knowledge to understand weather and climate phenomena and their changes. Pranoto mongso or titen science used to determine when to grow and harvest must be renewed by including the use of technology. That way, farmers can avoid the worst risk of crop failure due to the impact of extreme weather.

"If farmers are equipped with technology that can predict weather and climate, farmers can immediately develop a planting plan. The planting plan is adjusted to the weather prediction that it can include adjusting the planting time, the right type of plant and when to grow, when to postpone planting, when to harvest, water management, whatever to prepare so as not to experience crop failure, and so on," said Dwikorita.

Agriculture is an activity carried out in the open so that it is closely related to weather and climate. Therefore, BMKG through SLI always strives to help farmers understand climate information in the hope that farmers and agricultural instructors can take advantage of weather and climate information services provided by BMKG properly and be able to adapt to current weather and climate situations.

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