JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, attended the closing of the North Sulawesi Discover which is a promotional exhibition for North Sulawesi Province (Sulut) which was held for one month in Jakarta. With this interesting event, Puan hopes that the Province of North Sulawesi, known as Bumi Kawanua, can advance.

The North Sulawesi Discover event was held at the Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta, from September 1, 2023 until the end of this month. This activity presents outdoor and indoor bazaars, culinary festivals, to North Sulawesi cultural arts performances.

"I am very happy with North Sulawesi, I was so happy that I forgot how many times I went there because I was so often," said Puan at the closing of the North Sulawesi Discover which was held at the Borobudur Hotel, Central Jakarta, Friday, September 29.

The closing of the North Sulawesi Discover was also attended by the Governor of North Sulawesi Olly Dondokambey and his staff. Then there were also a number of regional heads and members of the North Sulawesi DPRD, then participants and performers of exhibition events including artists and cultural activists.

Today's North Sulawesi Discover event was attended by hundreds of Kawanua residents (Minasa or North Sulawesi) who are in Jabodetabek. The exhibition was held in the context of the 59th Anniversary of North Sulawesi Province.

Puan also hopes that the excitement of North Sulawesi's anniversary to the capital city can further introduce the advantages possessed by North Sulawesi.

"I congratulate North Sulawesi Province, along with all North Sulawesi residents wherever they are. I hope that North Sulawesi will become a better, prosperous and advanced province," said the first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

"And I also hope that the promotions carried out will make North Sulawesi more known to people outside North Sulawesi, both throughout Indonesia and internationally," added Puan.

The exhibition on North Sulawesi was deliberately held in Jakarta because the North Sulawesi Provincial Government wants to promote its regional potential to people outside North Sulawesi. Puan assessed that the steps taken by the North Sulawesi Provincial Government were quite effective and needed to be followed by other provinces as an effort to promote their regions.

"The governor said that this should not only be done in North Sulawesi, but also in Jakarta. This must be followed by other provinces because with the North Sulawesi Discover activity, people outside North Sulawesi Province know what is in North Sulawesi Province," explained the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan said, there are many advantages and potentials that North Sulawesi has. This potential and advantage is an attraction for people outside North Sulawesi to come to the province.

"North Sulawesi really has a hat-trick of attraction. First, the nature is beautiful. Second, the food is delicious, and the three cultural arts shown by the people of North Sulawesi also feel beautiful," said Puan.

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