YOGYAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo confirmed that the death of Brigadier HS, the personal bodyguard of the North Kalimantan Police Chief, Inspector General Daniel Aditya Jaya, was scientifically investigated.
"Of course I ordered them (the investigation) to be scientifically accountable because this is something indisputable," said Listyo Sigit Prabowo at the University of Aisyiyah (Unisa) Yogyakarta as reported by ANTARA, Friday, September 29.
If the investigation process is complete, Sigit asks that the results be immediately submitted to the public.
According to the National Police Chief, from the start his party guaranteed that the police would be transparent in investigating the incident.
"With the incident that occurred, I conveyed from the start that the Police were transparent," he said.
The National Police Chief has ordered Bareskrim, Propam, and Kompolnas to investigate the case carefully.
"Yesterday, Bareskrim had gone down, Propam went down, and Kompolnas went down, of course everyone was working and to be careful with the results," he said.
Brigadier HS, a member of the North Kalimantan Regional Police, was found dead in a room at the Kaltara Police Chief's official residence in Tanjung Selor, Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan, Friday (22/9), at around 13.10 WITA. It is suspected that HS was negligent when cleaning the firearms.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Kaltara Regional Police, Inspector General Daniel Aditya Jaya, said HS served as his personal bodyguard and not as an aide.
A joint team from the Dirreskrimum, Propam, and Dokkes Polda Kaltara are still conducting an in-depth investigation to reveal the death of HS.
Head of Public Relations of Polda Kaltara Kombes Pol. Budi Rachmat emphasized that Brigpol HS died not because of suicide.
"Not suicide. Temporary suspicion, the victim was cleaning the firearms. So, due to negligence," said Budi.
Brigpol HS is a Banit 3 Subden 1 Den Gegana of the Brimob Unit of the North Kalimantan Police. Brigpol HS's body will be buried in his hometown in Semarang, Central Java.
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