JAKARTA - The Rejang Lebong District Prosecutor's Office, Bengkulu, has detained the former local village head with the initials BH. He was arrested on suspicion of a case of alleged corruption in village funds worth IDR 306.7 million.

K Guru Rejang Lebong Yadi Rachmat Sunaryadi said BH was the last Head of Village in Padang Ulak Tanding District in 2019.

"We have detained this suspect as of February 1, 2021, currently the suspect is still one person, the case is still under development by examining 26 witnesses", said Yadi as quoted by Antara, Monday, February 8.

He said that the investigation into cases of suspected corruption in village funds originating from the APBN and Village Fund Allocation (ADD) originating from the Rejang Lebong APBD for the 2017 fiscal year is still ongoing.

The alleged corruption of village funds and the allocation of village funds amounting to IDR 306.7 million by the BH suspect, he said, stems from a public complaint which his party then followed up with involving the Inspectorate of Rejang Lebong Regency.

Meanwhile, Kasi Pidsus Kejari Rejang Lebong Heri Antoni added that the alleged corruption of village funds and village fund allocations by the former Head of Air Kati village itself occurred in the 2017 budget year. So that his party confiscated the suspect's assets in the form of certificates which were used to compensate the state for losses.

"The person concerned has admitted that he has managed finances independently, has made his own purchases without involving the activity management team or the village secretary and treasurer. In addition, he has been cooperative and ready to undergo the next process", said Heri.

The findings of the corruption case in that case, he said, were for the type of construction of the Telford road there was a physical shortage of IDR 221.5 million, then a shortage of volume for siring work worth IDR 34.5 million and taxes that had been collected worth IDR 60.2 million but not yet. deposited to the state.

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