JAKARTA - National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, gave awards to two outstanding Balinese pecalang for their useful performance for the community and helping the police.

The award was given to Putu Soma Antara and I Nyoman Sukanada. Putu Soma was awarded an award for helping Bhabinkamtibmas personnel activities, while I Nyoman Sukanda was awarded an award for synergizing in the Mobile Reading or Calling program. This activity is in the form of collecting used books.

"The National Police and the community must unite in the midst of this pandemic in accordance with what I have stated in the 16 priority programs. On the fifth point, namely the strengthening of the performance of security and social security maintenance," said Sigit in a press release, Jakarta, reported by Antara, Saturday, February 6.

In addition, Sigit also gave awards to Aiptu I Nyoman Ardana and Aipda I Nengah Suardika in the form of opportunities to attend officer school education.

Aiptu I Nyoman Ardana received an award for creating the Caling program (Read Around). He served as Bhabinkamtibmas Ubung Urban Village, Denpasar.

Nyoman is known to collect used books from the Waste Bank and then other innovations.

He built a mobile library and visited schools in his target villages.

In fact, his idea received appreciation from the school. The students always await the arrival of Aiptu I Nyoman Ardana every day.

Meanwhile, Aipda I Nengah Suardika, who is currently in charge of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Blahbatuh Police, received an award from the National Police Chief for making the most BLC (United Against COVID) reports totaling 106,115 reports.

He got the many reports by reprimanding the public in a number of places who did not comply with health protocols.

Aipda I Nengah Suardika is known to have gone to the soccer field, market, and beach, then documented, then reported to the BLC application.

Even though the National Police Chief is on duty at the National Police Headquarters, Sigit still receives reports if there are members who have worked well and are sincere.

The National Police Chief appreciated Nyoman and Nengah's initiative in carrying out their duties with full responsibility.

The four-star general asked all Bali Police personnel to compete for achievements according to their respective fields of duty.

"Hopefully this can trigger or motivate other Polri personnel to carry out their duties as security guards, law enforcers, protectors, and public servants," said Sigit.

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