JAKARTA - The flood of red water went viral on social media. This incident is said to have occurred in Jenggot Village, South Pekalongan District, Pekalongan City, Central Java.
iki my city, endi your city lur, #Pekalongan Flood of blood 😇😇😇cc: @ganjarpranowo pic.twitter.com/IOLl5D88mR
- agus salim mh (@agussalimmh) February 6, 2021
Responding to this, the Head of the Center for Disaster Data, Information and Communication (Kapusdatin) BNPB Raditya Jati said that this red water flood really happened, but did not come from industrial waste.
He said, the red color in the water happened because there were residents who bought batik medicine in plastic packages that were thrown away carelessly.
"Not from industrial waste, but some residents buy batik medicine whose packaging is made of plastic and the plastic is thrown away," Raditya told reporters, Saturday, February 6.
He then said that currently residents who are suspected of throwing away the packaging for the batik medicine are being searched for and the red water has been sucked up using a waste suction fleet belonging to the local environmental agency.
"The information is now getting clear," he explained.
Meanwhile, Head of Pekalongan City BPBD's PK Section, Dimas, said that residents together with the South Pekalongan Police had conducted an investigation regarding the source of the color.
As a result, it was found that the pool of water came from a red batik drug weighing 3 kilograms wrapped in plastic and then washed away and spilled.
"(The contents of this plastic, red) are then spilled and mixed with rainwater puddles, causing the water to turn red and it does not come from factory waste," he concluded.
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