JAKARTA - The Myanmar Political Prisoners Legal Aid Association (AAPP) noted that there were 134 people detained by the Myanmar Military until Friday, February 5. Not only politicians, but there are also political activists, directors, writers and even monks.

While many detainees remain unknown, the military crackdown also intensified Thursday with the arrest of three students in Mandalay Region who were protesting peacefully against the coup.

Only a portion of the 134 detainees who have been released from their places of detention in government accommodation are placed under house arrest. Union government members, state and local cabinet members and the speaker of parliament are among those under house arrest.

"We are very concerned about the safety and health of the detainees whose whereabouts are still unknown," said Ko Aung Myo Kyaw from AAPP, launching The Irrawaddy.

Prominent democracy activist Ko Mya Aye, filmmaker Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi, student activist Ko Min Thway Thit, writer and member of the Yangon City Development Committee Daw Than Myint Aung, writer Maung Thar Cho, writer U Htin Linn Oo to monk U Thawbita, Shwe Nya War Sayadaw and Sayadaw U Arriyawuntha were among those detained since Monday.

"All detainees must be released," said Ko Aung Myo, adding that locking up civilians who are not charged for more than 24 hours is an illegal detention and a gross violation of human rights.

The detention also put a lot of stress on the family. Wutyee Yanant, daughter of Ko Mya Aye, wrote on Tweeter that the family still does not know the location and condition of her father along with other activists who have been detained.

Ko Mya Aye's daughter told The Irrawaddy that her father was arrested at around 5:30 am on Monday and the family has heard nothing since.

"As a family, we wanted to know at least where he was and whether he was in good health," Wutyee Yanant whispered.

“I never thought I would see my father arrested again. Not hearing anything about him raises our worries, "he added.

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