JAKARTA - Porn films are rampant. The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) assesses that Indonesia has become a systematic producer of pornographic content like an industry. The government is asked to strengthen digital literacy programs in society, especially among children.
According to the Chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Ai Maryati Solihah, Indonesia already has the Pornography Law and also the Child Protection Law. However, if confirmed with the data recorded at KPAI, this pornography problem is still the main problem.
"The top five are children as victims of pornography," said Ai, in a statement, Tuesday, September 19.
This condition, he continued, could be an evaluation for the state to increase its seriousness in eradicating pornography. The latest pornographic case revealed by Polda Metro Jaya, namely the arrest of the perpetrators of adult filmmakers who have a production house in South Jakarta, must be used as an entry point.
Moreover, previously, in early August 2023, Polda Metro Jaya also arrested two suspected perpetrators selling child gay videos (gay kids/VGK videos). This case certainly has a serious impact on the social and psychological lives of children who are victims.
"These are just a few cases that have been successfully uncovered, so we have an interest in knowing the extent of the content production. Targeting children's markets, or perhaps recruiting child actors? You can't stop from just exposing the pornography process, but you have to go to the roots," said Ai.
According to him, understanding the root of the problem that underlies the rise of pornographic content is also needed. In addition to the Law and digital literacy, the integration of sexual education in schools must also be carried out massively.
"Including the empowerment and protection sector for women and children from Kominfo who are responsible for digital literacy," he said.
Another thing that is also very important is to stop the spread of pornographic content. The Ministry of Communication and Information is expected to strengthen supervision of pornographic content on sites and social media without having to wait for the case to be uncovered by the police. Also, KPAI hopes that the public will also actively report pornographic content found.
KPAI itself will continue to encourage the police and the Ministry of Communication and Information to reveal the spreaders of pornographic content in Indonesia to the roots, and tighten supervision of digital literacy aspects that touch all levels of society, especially children.
"Law enforcement starting from the realm of the police, prosecutor's office, to courts that eradicate pornographic content must also be enforced," he said.
Similarly, Komnas Perempuan Commissioner Rainy Hutabarat said pornography has made women's bodies a commodity to be exposed or exploited. Komnas Perempuan noted that in cases of pornography women are the most vulnerable group to be revitalized.
For Rainy, the creation of pornographic content is closely related to the law of supply and demand. Therefore, the creation of these content can be completed if there are no enthusiasts.
"Therefore, digital literacy is important in this digital era. It is time for the government to evaluate public education regarding digital awareness and intelligence, starting in the family," he said.
The case of adult film production house in South Jakarta is an alarm for all of us. The Indonesian people need to unite in efforts to eradicate pornographic content, in order to protect the younger generation, maintain integrity and morality, and ensure a better future for this nation.
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