JAKARTA - Floods due to torrential local rains from Monday, February 24 evening to Tuesday, February 25 morning resulted in 3,565 residents being displaced. The number of refugees currently increased by more than a thousand people from the flood event on Sunday, February 23.

Head of Data and Public Relations of DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) M. Insaf stated, until 12.00 WIB today, thousands of refugees came from 294 RWs affected by the flood. Meanwhile, during the flood two days ago, BPBD recorded 2,393 people displaced. They are spread across 35 RWs in Jakarta.

"RW is affected by flood 10.74 percent of the total 2,738 RW in DKI. The maximum flood height of 200 cm is in Cawang Village," said Insaf when confirmed by VOI, February 25.

Insaf continued, today's flood refugees are spread over 40 locations. Most locations are in the mosque. Apart from that, there were also refugees who were in the urban village office, private offices, stadiums, RPTRA, flat houses and apartments.

Joint teams were deployed to serve refugees in DKI, starting from the Water Resources Service (SDA), BPBD, Social Service, Fire and Rescue Service (Disgulkarmat), to PPSU Kelurahan to deal with floods and inundation.

"Disgulkarmat of DKI Jakarta Province, assisted by SAR Jakarta, has evacuated flood and inundated residents to evacuation sites, while BPBD together with the Social Service and Health Service have distributed aid to residents who fled and established a post," explained Insaf.

For information, BMKG stated that the floods that occurred in Jakarta and its surroundings today were caused by heavy rainfall and extreme weather. The highest rainfall measured by the BMKG station is 278 mm / day at the Kemayoran Meteorological Station. "This has caused several floodgates to increase their alert status and rivers to overflow," said Insaf.

Meanwhile, at 13.00 WIB, a number of sluice gates were still on alert (I) status, namely in Upper Angke with a water level of 330 cm, Karet 680 cm, and Pluit Reservoir 85 cm. The water level of the Manggarai Sluice Gate has now decreased to Standby II, after previously having entered Standby I at 06.00 WIB.

Furthermore, the floodgates that are on standby status III are at Fish Market, Sunter Hulu, and Pulo Gadung. Meanwhile, the floodgates that are in normal condition or standby IV are Katulampa, Depok, Krukut Hulu, Pesanggrahan, and Cipinang Hulu.

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