JAKARTA - The family was surprised by the Unacceptable School Attitude when they saw the Victim who experienced Trauma, Berat JAKARTA - Five girls who studied at Alwathoniyah Junior High School, Cilincing, North Jakarta, experienced bullying and beatings by their friends. As a result of the bullying, the victim was severely traumatized and did not want to go to school.

It is known that the victim attended Alwathoniyah Middle School. Meanwhile, the alleged perpetrator studied at MTs Alwathoniyah, Cilincing, North Jakarta.

"There is no more summons. Stop there. So that's what I'm confused about, no school asked or went to the victim's house. So the perpetrator and the victim of the school are the perpetrators of MTs and the victim of their junior high school. The foundation is the same," said VOI resource person who did not want to be named when confirmed, Monday, September 18.

Sources said that if the school did not take firm action against the alleged perpetrators so that a similar incident would not occur in the future. Moreover, the source said that if this case of bullying was continued, they would report the victim about defamation.

"They think it's defending us, they don't. So there emphasizes one, don't just upload it, it will be subject to the ITE Law," he said.

It was stated that this condition made the victim feel resigned. Even though the victim needed trauma healing so that his psychology would recover. However, continued the source, what the school did was silent and did nothing.

"Hopefully it will be given assistance, isn't this. In fact, it's funny, this school thinks about the mentality of the perpetrators, then they blame the victim," he said.

Contacted separately, the Mts Alwathoniyah School regarding this bullying case said the case had ended peacefully without any coercion between the two parties.

"It's finished, how come it's just a family matter between the two parties," said Mts Alwathoniyah staff


Five students at Alwathoniyah Junior High School, Cilincing, North Jakarta experienced bullying and beating their friends. As a result, the victim did not want to come to school, and became a coward to meet other people.

A VOI source said that the victim with the initials M had been bullied by his classmates for one year, from grade 7 to grade 8 of junior high school. The victim was ridiculed by black.

"Physically bullied, because the skin is black, it's said to be thin and black. What was previously verbal violence, until a bottle was thrown, thrown a bag," said the source when met, Friday, September 15.

Long story short, the victim and his friends replied to the ridicule of their classmate, on Wednesday, September 6. But the reply actually created a new problem.

Based on the video received by VOI, the alleged perpetrators interrogated the victim and his friends about what he said.

"There was a beating, kicked. 'Let's make a fuss'. Just because the victim's person is quiet, just keep quiet. His friend the victim, M's stomach was hit in the stomach. The victim and his friends were hit. So F (the perpetrator) came with his friend. The executor F, his friends recorded, "he said.

As a result of the incident, the victim admitted that he was traumatized and wanted to change schools.

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