Abu Janda Claims To Get A Big Salary When Being Buzzer Jokowi, Refly Harun: Where Did The Money Come From?
Abu Janda (Instagram / permadiaktivis2)

JAKARTA - Social media activist Permadi Arya alias Abu Janda has recently become a hot topic of conversation. Abu Janda reported or allegations of racism to Natalius Pigai and his remarks calling Islam arrogant.

These two legal cases have not been completed, new issues have emerged. Namely the recognition of Abu Janda who supported Joko Widodo while advancing in the Presidential Election and got paid.

This was also commented on by Constitutional Law Expert Refly Harun regarding this recognition. According to Refly, it is important to study the source of the money.

"First, where is the source of the money? Is it personal money or campaign money or the state is important. And this is the one who knows who paid," Refly said in his Youtube account quoted on Friday, February 5.

According to him, if Abu Janda was paid with state money, it would be a violation. And this violation must be dealt with.

"Using state money is clearly an abuse of power. Even if the election perspective is clearly an election violation. Because he claims to be an election influencer," he said.

He said, if it is true that state money is used, this is a big case. The DPR said he must find out by making a special committee.

"If we use high standards against misuse of state finances, then this case should be horrendous, investigated by the DPR. But the DPR is more pro-ruling, which is what Abu Janda campaigned for," he said.

Then, if paid by Abu Janda, he used the campaign money as an act of money politics. Because, based on his knowledge, Abu Janda was not an official campaign team registered at the central and regional KPUs or a member of a political party.

"If the TKN is paid, it is an act of money politics, because Abu Janda is not an official campaign team because he has to be registered with the KPU. As short as I know

"Permadi Arya is not a member of the campaign team, nor is a political party that has the right to campaign for its members. The campaign he is conducting is illegal because he says he is involved in influencers. In connection with that fee, it can be said that money politics is paying people who are not the campaign team to campaign," he said. Refly.

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