MEDAN - The video of suspected the Head of Narcotics at the Pematangsiantar Police, North Sumatra (Sumut), clubbing in discotheque is viral on social media.

The video shows the narrative that a policeman is drunk. When clubbing, the man is suspected of being the Head of Narcotics Unit wearing a mask and shorts. He danced to the music on a chair.

The information in the 1 minute 14 second video also touches on the actions of law enforcement officers.

"Look at the behavior of the Head of Narcotics Unit from the Siantar Police who is 'high' at a nightclub. It should have eliminated drugs," wrote the video uploader.

Regarding the viral video of this clubbing, the Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Regional Police, Grand Commissioner (Kombes) Hadi Wahyudi, said that the mentioned Pematangsiantar Narcotics Unit was being examined by the Profession and Security Division (Propam) of North Sumatra Regional Police.

"It is suspected that he is being questioned again, at Regional police (Polda), at Profession and Security Division (Propam)," said Hadi, Friday, February 5.

If proven to have violated rules such as being drunk in a clubbing place, the person concerned will be dealt firmly.

"The Regional Head Police (Kapolda) order is very firm in giving firm action against anyone who abuses narcotics," he explained.

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