The Bali Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) confiscated seven boxes suspected of containing marijuana-type narcotics from the Medan-Bali network with a gross weight of 7,222.33 grams. Head of BNNP Bali Brigadier General Pol Raden Nurhadi Yuwono, said the marijuana-type narcotics were confiscated from a perpetrator with the initials KD.KD who is a recidivist of a narcotics case who was just released in 2022. He was arrested by BNNP Bali officers on Wednesday in Buleleng, Bali after receiving the package shipment.Raden said that based on the results of the interim interrogation, KD had been supplying marijuana from Medan to be circulated in Buleleng and also other areas of Bali. "Currently, the case is still under development for network mapping and other suspects involved in distributing this illicit goods to the public," said Nurhadi.

Nurhadi explained that the disclosure of the case was also a follow-up to the limited meeting of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo and the Head of BNN Komjen Petrus Reinhard Golose at the State Palace in Jakarta, early last week In the meeting, Jokowi asked for the handling of narcotics problems in Indonesia to be carried out extraordinaryly.

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