JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Police Jatanras Team arrested the perpetrator with the initials K, who snatched the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK) staff Slamet Supriyadi while on a bicycle.

"Suspect K is the DPO from the bicycle robbery case which we previously released, and was arrested in Serang on Monday night (1/2)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of West Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Teuku Arsya Khadafi, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 4.

K was arrested in the Serang area, Banten, on Monday, February 1 evening after the arrest of his five colleagues, namely SM (37), US (38), EU (39), MA (24) and TT (34).

Arsya said K was hiding in one of his relatives' houses there to avoid being pursued by the police, who have released the target of his search.

Afterwards the police received information from the public about the presence of one of the people suspected of robbing a bicycle with the initials K in Serang. The police then moved to check and monitor K.

"It was true that he had been seen in the area. It's just that, during his escape, Brother K was always at home reducing his outside activities to avoid being recognized by people, especially after we released him," he said.

K acts as a motorbike jockey in action. Sometimes he is the executor or snatching the cellphone of his victim in several areas.

The skill of being a jockey is used to avoid being chased by the police or the community when acting with other colleagues.

Arsya said the group of mugging is very closed, unlike the group of thugs that have been disclosed. This means that it is not easy for the group to recruit people to join in the raid in West Jakarta.

Previously, expert staff of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) M Slamet Supriyadi was a victim of mugging while cycling (riding) with the staff of the Ministry of LHK passing Jalan Prof. Dr. Latumenten, Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta, Tuesday, January 26 evening.

Two of the five members of the group that targeted the cyclist were shot in the leg by the West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

Five suspects from the group, namely SM (37), US (38), EU (39), MA (24) and TT (34) were arrested for no less than 2X24 hours.

The disclosure of this case is also the success of the "CCTV No Blind Spot" program initiated by the West Jakarta Metro Police.

The five suspects were charged under Article 365 of the Criminal Code regarding violent theft.

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