CILEGON - Hundreds of Cilegon people, enthusiastically waiting for the arrival of Indonesian President Joko Widodo at the Keranggot Market location, Sukmajaya Village, Jombang District, Cilegon City, Banten, Tuesday, September 12. Residents waiting for President Jokowi's arrival consist of children and adults have started to gather in the area around the market since 09.00 WIB. One of the residents of Sukmajaya Nana Mulyasih, in Cilegon, Banten, Tuesday, said he was very happy with President Jokowi's arrival to the Cilegon Keranggot Market, to be able to see the market conditions. "We are very enthusiastic to see Mr. President Jokowi visiting Keranggot Market, we have been waiting since early in the morning," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 11. He added, his party hopes that after the arrival of President Joko Widodo, residents of Cilegon, especially the Keranggot market traders get support from the local government and be more considered. "With the arrival of Mr. Jokowi, hopefully, the Keranggot market will be more advanced, the buyers will be more crowded and more concerned by the government," he said. Meanwhile, Nurlam, a resident of Keranggot Village, said he had deliberately come to the market since 06.00 WIB waiting for the arrival of President Joko Widodo. "We are very happy to have the President's arrival here," he said. He explained, residents of Keranggot Village know the arrival of President Jokowi from the local government. President Jokowi visited the location of Keranggot Market, Cilegon, Banten, to deliver trading capital and basic assistance to traders.

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