Head of the Banjarmasin City Education Office, South Kalimantan, Nuryadi, said that his party could take distance learning steps (PJJ) or schools online for students if the smog disaster worsened.
"If it is already severe, we could do it. This means that PJJ can be done," reported by ANTARA, Saturday, September 9.
The term PJJ was popular during the last COVID-19 pandemic, where the transmission of the disease was already at a high level, so that there would be no crowds and violations of health protocols, an online school would be implemented between teachers and students.
According to Nuryadi, the implementation of teaching and learning in schools must continue, even though the air conditions in Banjarmasin City are not healthy because of the smog caused by forest and land fires (karhutla) during this dry season.
"Therefore, we have conveyed an appeal to schools to re-implement masks for their students," said Nuryadi.
"But if conditions get worse and endanger the health of students, of course there must be anticipatory steps," said Nuryadi, one of which is PJJ.
"Currently, the policy does not need to be taken, but we urge you to keep wearing masks and drink lots of water and vitamins," he said.
He appealed to the current air condition to be not good, especially since many have acute respiratory tract infections (ARI), so that parents pay attention to their children's health, as well as reduce their activities outside the home.
As stated by the South Kalimantan Provincial Health Office, until September 2023, the highest case of ARI disease in Banjarmasin City, namely, with 36,082 cases.
Therefore, the Health Office asked all people of Banjarmasin City to be vigilant, to wear masks when leaving the house, then maintain body stamina by drinking lots of water and taking vitamins.
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